Tuesday, November 15, 2005

PNP Panics

There is word that a high-ranking PNP officer will be reporting that Francis Xavier Manzano single-handedly carnapped him. Definitely a sign of panic for the police that they would go this far to report such a fraud. As I mentioned earlier, observe how the police will find and/or create as much dirt as they can on Francis Xavier Manzano.

For every defense the police creates, they successfully reveal their incompetence because they stupidly do not realize the strong evidence that can prove their big lies.

Please pray for the protection of Francis Xavier Manzano, the two other victims, and their families. The TMG police were caught in a very bad situation that could reveal how corrupt they are. If it weren't for the videos and the courageous witnesses who were willing to state the facts, despite contradiction to the stories of the police and the dangerous threat they may receive from the police, and the many supportive readers of this blog, justice may never be reached in this matter. Let's hope justice is served soon. I hope that innocent lives will no longer be taken and destroyed by this group.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 AM

    The PNP are trying hard to cover up their mess. It's really obvious.

    Justice for FX Manzano...
